Well after waiting and waiting to hear back from Bega i finially decided to zip the web site and email it to them. They have paid in full, so now that i have sent it of i have that feeling, like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Just knowing that the account is now complete.
I spoke to Lionel Yorke earlier and i can send him a bill for the remainding now which is great. With the bills at the moment including TAX and office fit out i sometimes wonder if it is worth working for your self.
I could get a nice job developing web sites and earning a great wage but i choose to go out by my self. But when i sit down and think about it my company is just a big investment. So my old web designing school friends have good jobs and don't seem to have to many money troubles, i have an investment and with every client i complete the sale price of this company grows.
I just felt like a bit of a ramble, i have to go and write out some checks now.
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